Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Supporting a Friend and Fellow Mom - Mark Your Calendars for the Mommy Footprint's September Facebook Party!

 mommy FOOTPRINT September 24 Facebook Party
Who doesn't like meeting new friends? Well, I'm no exception to that, and via work this past year I've come to know a wonderful fellow mompreneur, Suzanne, of Mommy Footprint -http://mommyfootprint.com/. Like me, she has a wonderful family and is super busy with her own business!!! Mommy Footprint through all aspects of social media — website, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter — connects you with information that will benefit you and your family with eco-conscious products and GREEN information so that you can better yourself and your family's well-being.

Consequently, when Suzanne told me about the opportunity to design a Facebook Event image and Instagram image for her upcoming September 24 Back to School & Fall Facebook Party I couldn't let her down! Friends have to help out friends, and support one and other, right?

So, grab your pen and mark your calendars and set your phone with a reminder for September 24 from 6:30 to 9 pm, Pacific Standard Time! It's going to be a great night! RSVP by clicking on the Facebook Party image link above!

Dee :)

ps: Want to connect with Mommy Footprint? Here's Mommy Footprint's social media links:






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